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Madison Campus

Madison Main Campus Satellite Locations

About the Madison Campus

Welcome to Ivy Tech Madison! The great staff and faculty at Madison's campus are happy to assist you with choices for your future. We offer 70+ academic programs, and our faculty and staff are dedicated to preparing our students with the skills and confidence you seek. We are proud to work with our community partners to provide the best choices for students of all ages, and we cannot wait to meet you! Don’t hesitate to reach out with your questions – no matter how big or small!

– Dr. Amanda Harsin, Chancellor at Ivy Tech Madison

Fast Facts

Students Enrolled
(2023-2024 academic year)
Counties Served:
Switzerland, Jefferson, and Trimble
Academic Programs

REcent Accomplishments

  • Our campus was awarded a grant for the Paramedic Science program by the Community Foundation of Madison & Jefferson County.

  • Ivy Tech Madison is selected as educational provider for Indiana Department of Corrections Adult Basic and Vocational Education through 2025.

  • Our campus received the Ruby Award from Jefferson County United Way for employee contributions.


what makes our campus unique?

  • Ivy Tech Madison has a brand new Paramedic Science wing including an ambulance simulator and simulated apartment.
  • Ivy Tech Madison has renovated/expanded the Nursing Lab spaces to include new student lockers, glass walls to add classroom visibility, and expanded the simulation lab to the second-floor east wing.
  • Ivy Tech Madison is proud to offer a variety of accredited programs that address the needs of our community. Our more than 35 academic programs include business, robotics, IT, education, manufacturing, healthcare and more.
  • Our campus strives to create a stronger Indiana - with a local focus. Whatever your connection to the Madison economy, rest assured our campus is in your corner. Every day, we work with high school students, adult learners, industry partners, and fellow educators to drive our region's economic future.


  • Kay Stokes, Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs
  • Amber Finnegan, State Director of Education (Department of Correction)
  • Andrea McDole, Executive Director of K-14 Initiatives
  • Cary Strouse, Vice Chancellor of Human Resources and Strategic Operations
  • Courtney Althoff, Director of Admissions and Enrollment
  • Dustin Stewart, Vice Chancellor of Enrollment and Student Success
  • Julie Wade, Director of Financial Aid
  • Kate Sutter, Director of Development
  • Megan Earls, Director of Marketing and Public Relations
  • Bridget Leach, Vice Chancellor of Finance
  • Maridith Buchanan Lee, Director of Finance
  • Chad Renfro, Director of Facilities
  • Tessa Walker, Director of Human Resources

School Deans

  • Troy Alvey, Dean of Arts, Sciences & Education
  • Dr. Stephanie Knox, Dean of School of Nursing
  • Kami True, Nursing Program Chair
  • Carmen Elliott, Paramedic Science Program Chair
  • Orelia Drounette, Medical Assisting Program Chair
  • Dr. David Rettig, Information Technology Program Chair
  • George Tackett, Industrial Technology Program Chair
  • Susanne Hamner, Public Affairs Program Chair

Find Contact Info in the Directory


State Trustee: Stephanie Bibbs, Chair

Campus Board of Trustees:

  • Britt Copeland, Trustee
  • Carol Dozier, Chairperson
  • Chad Lewis, Secretary
  • David Hertz, Trustee
  • Joe Bulach, Vice CHair
  • Neil Clayton, Trustee
  • Tom Steveley, Trustee

2023 - 2024 MEETINGS

February 28, 2023 – Meeting Minutes
May 23, 2023 - Meeting Minutes 
August 29, 2023 - Meeting Minutes
November 28, 2023 - Meeting Minutes
February 1, 2024 - Meeting Minutes
March 28, 2024 - Meeting Minutes
July 25, 2024 - Meeting Minutes