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Ivy Tech Intern Incredibles


Ivy Tech modeled a celebration of our interns after National Intern Day that takes place July 25, 2024. This celebration honors interns and the employers who provide meaningful work and learn opportunities.

Watch the following outstanding employer and intern testimonial captured by Jhordan Lee, Career Link Talent Connection Manager at the Kokomo campus. This is an amazing testament to the work happening on that campus and through our Career Link teams across the state. Please find below additional examples of Ivy Tech students and employers sharing their positive internship/work and learn experiences.

Student Spotlight

  • Victor Tapia Student Spotlight

Have a story to share?

  • Students:

    Complete this survey to share your incredible internship journey. It might make it on this website to help us celebrate YOU!


    Complete this Pledge Survey to celebrate and share incredible Ivy Tech interns you've worked with past and present!

    Ivy Tech Faculty/Staff:

    We know you work hard to get our students engaged with meaningful Work-and-Learn experiences - tell us your big wins!