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Alive at 25 - Defensive Driving Course


Stay Alive

What You’ll Learn

Our Alive at 25 instructors use personal examples and even humor to get their point across. They use workbook exercises, interactive media segments, group discussions, role-playing, and short lectures to help young drivers develop convictions and strategies that will keep them safer on the road. Students will walk away with an increased understanding of the risks and dangers that distractions, drugs, and inexperience can have while behind the wheel.

The National Safety Councils 4-Hour Alive at 25 Program will teach young drivers that:

  • People in their age group are more likely to be hurt or killed in a vehicle crash
  • Inexperience, peer pressure, and distractions cause unique driving hazards Speeding, alcohol, and party drugs greatly
  • increase their risk of injury or death As a driver or passenger, they can greatly reduce their risk by taking control
  • Committing to changing their driving behavior makes personal, legal, and financial sense

Career Options


Class Details

This highly effective program encourages young drivers to take responsibility for their driving behavior. Information is presented in a non-lecture, interactive format featuring two video presentations, Real Streets and Real People. Indiana Driver License holders who successfully complete this course are granted a 4 point credit by the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles.

Upcoming Classes

We’re sorry, this class is not currently scheduled at any Ivy Tech location, but it may be offered again in the future.

Contact your local Ivy Tech campus with questions about when this class may be offered.